Summer tanager continues at 12:20 pm Tuesday 4/30. Great looks through fence. 
Tom thanks for posting

L. Trachtenberg 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 29, 2019, at 9:37 PM, Thomas Fiore <> wrote:
> Monday, 29 April, 2019 -
> Just to add it into the day’s record here on this list-serve, the ongoing 
> state-rarity BLACK-NECKED STILT was seen Monday 4/29 at Nickerson beach, 
> southern Nassau County, NY (a.k.a. Lido Beach Passive Nature Reserve).  
> --
> A male Summer Tanager in near-pristine alternate-plumage (adult coloration) 
> was showing very well for multiple observers in Manhattan, at the Clinton 
> Community Garden (named for that neighborhood) at 434 West 48th Street, which 
> is between Ninth & Tenth Avenues on manhattan’s west side. The garden may be 
> locked, but the tanager was most often fairly easy to view as it went after 
> bees & perhaps other insects within the garden.  (If let into the garden, all 
> must obey any rules or instructions, and please be respectful of any & all 
> other visitors there.)
> The ‘parade’ of Blue Grosbeaks in the larger region continued, with a female 
> continuing over the weekend, Sat.-Sun. 4/27-28, at Manhattan’s Fort Tryon 
> Park, which is in the northern portion of the island, perhaps best known to 
> non-birders for the Cloisters museum, an ‘annex’ of the Metropolitan Museum 
> of Art within Ft. Tryon Park - this grosbeak was seen in the field near the 
> Cloisters. 
> On Saturday, 4/27 several observers reported a Prothonotary Warbler in 
> Manhattan, at R.F. Wagner, Jr. park, the south end of Battery Park City Park.
> --
> In Richmond County, NY (a.k.a. Staten Island, N.Y. City) a male Golden-winged 
> Warbler was found Monday, 4/29 at Clove Lakes Park, which is in the northern 
> quadrant of the island; I believe the finder[s] of this there were Catherine 
> Barron & Maya Shikhman, and thanks to the latter for timely report, via the 
> SINaturalist group.
> There’ve been plenty of other migrants recently; a further report to come, 
> with some additional notes.  
> ——
> Many migrants have been reaching nearby (& some farther) breeding areas to 
> N.Y. City, as well as passing through over the weekend. These include species 
> such as Cerulean, Kentucky, and many other warbler spp. & a wide variety of 
> other arriving or ongoing migrant birds - PLEASE realize the long & arduous 
> voyages these birds have been on, to reach where they nest, or are still 
> undertaking to reach their breeding areas, & exercise the maximum of 
> restraint in any potential nesting area as they arrive and set up for the 
> season, and on thru the remainder of their breeding season. The birds & all 
> who care for them will thank you for this.
> good birding to all,
> Tom Fiore
> manhattan
> --
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