Manhattan, N.Y. City -

Wednesday, 1st of May:

An adult male Summer Tanager continued at the Clinton Community Garden, on West 
48th St. - between Ninth & Tenth Avenues. It could again be viewed through a 
fence, even when this garden space was locked. Also continuing (in northern 
Manhattan) was a female-plumaged Blue Grosbeak, near the Cloisters within Fort 
Tryon Park.

A Yellow-throated Warbler (male, sometimes singing) found by A. Collerton in 
the Central Park Ramble was also enjoyed by many later observers. (Thank you, 
Anthony!) Overall, my own impression (mostly from throughout Central Park, from 
110 Street to 60 Street, & from Fifth Ave. to Central Park West in 8+ hours) 
was that while a fair amount of fresh migration may have occurred on Tuesday 
night, there was also a lot of exodus.

Species-diversity was still fairly good, & many observers were able to add 
“first-of” birds to personal lists. At first, I had thought that numbers of 
Yellow-rumped [Myrtle] Warbler were not that high, given the May 1 date, but 
after walking 6-7 miles through most of the 1 park, I’d seen many hundreds and 
while scattered all around, this at least showed some influx, after a recent 
period when this species seemed low in numbers. (there also have been other 
days when numbers of that warbler were fairly common, however, and that species 
has a tendency for onward migration on mornings with fog or drizzles, as has 
been the usual of late.) The numbers of certain warbler species on Wed. 5/1 
seemed to have increased just in Central Park, such as Blackburnian (8+ 
park-wide), Black-throated Green (25+ park-wide), & Ovenbird (30++ park-wide).  

Also almost certainly increased were Scarlet Tanager (with at least 4 in one 
large oak tree at one time just n. of the Central Park boathouse cafe in the 
Ramble area, & 15+ park-wide), and also Veery (25+ park-wide).  In addition, 
even if heard singing or chattering far more than seen, Baltimore Oriole were 
found in most parts of the park (20++ park-wide).  Also evident was an 
additional surge of Purple Finch, with some small flocks of 8-10 (& totals of 
40+ park-wide).  At least a few Pine Siskins also were in several locations, 
often near or with American Goldfinch which are starting to mass, and no longer 
most-common at or around feeders (many have been high in the trees, along with 
plenty of other migrants with the inclement or cloudy weather). A species some 
think a bit uncommon (but not, once peak migration is upon us), Yellow-throated 
Vireo was also in fairly good number (7 - 8+, park-wide) on Wednesday.  
Blue-headed & Warbling Vireos continued in numbers, the latter species a 
Manhattan breeder as well as a common migrant. Red-eyed Vireo have yet to show 
in their great numbers.

The most interesting bird I found in Central Park (for the May 1st date) was a 
single female Golden-crowned Kinglet, at the Hallett Sanctuary - a bit late but 
hardly unprecedented. Ruby-crowned Kinglets are still numerous, & far more 
expected for early May here.

good month of May birding,

Tom Fiore

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