Monday, 19 August, 2019 Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -
A male Prothonotary Warbler has lingered in Central Park’s southeast ‘corner’ by The Pond, at the west edges of Hallett Sanctuary in particular, since first found & photographed by Junko Suzuki on Friday, 8/16 - on Monday 8/19, although tough to spot at times, when in deeper foliage & less viewable parts of that area, it’s been moving into view at times. The area where seen most often is at the narrow western ‘arm’ of the pond, & this location is closest to a park entrance at Sixth Ave. & Central Park South. Patience may be rewarded! The Prothonotary was still showing somewhat well into late Mon. afternoon when I left the area. Also in the same area (Hallett Sanctuary & The Pond) in Central Park over these past 3 days, thru Monday, have been Hooded Warbler, Prairie Warbler, & at least 5 other warbler species, as well as a few other expected migrants. A drake Wood Duck has been an ongoing regular on the Pond. Central Park had its first migrant thrushes with both Veery & Swainson’s Thrushes appearing, in very low numbers, over this past weekend. Many Blue-gray Gnatcatchers have been on the move. At least a few migrants have been coming in to the smaller parks & greenspaces of Manhattan including a modest variety in species of warblers. A different Hooded Warbler, likely one that’s been lingering, was in the area of ‘Tanners’ Spring’ & the south slope of Summit Rock, near W. 83rd St. in Central Park at least thru Sunday 8/18. … Incindentally, at least a modest incursion of Prothonotary Warbler had occurred in the greater northeast over about the past week, some making it quite far north of the northern or eastern known limits of their breeding range. One of those was photographed at a bird-bath on the mid-coast of Maine, which also recently had a Brown Booby (farther ‘downeast’ - means even farther northeast, in sailing parlance), another species having quite an incursion far north of what had been some semblance of geographic limits. Good quietly-observant birding to all, Tom Fiore manhattan -- NYSbirds-L List Info: ARCHIVES: 1) 2) 3) Please submit your observations to eBird: --