Some notable birds were seen on Saw Mill River Audubon's regular 4th Monday bird walk at Croton Point Park this morning.
*Seen on the grassland landfill were* Wilson Snipe (2) American Pipit (40+) Horned Lark (2) Vesper Sparrow (12+) *eBird summary here of this morning's Saw Mill River Audubon field trip:* * <>* Also noted: last evening just at dusk, three Eastern Meadowlarks were seen atop the landfill. *Additional Notes on Croton Point Grassland Restoration * Much of the landfill has now been disked with turned up soil, as part of the two-year restoration project, and it will be interesting to see how the usual migrant and overwintering birds respond to these altered conditions. There are refugia of standing native grasses on both the west and east sides of the landfill that will remain undisturbed during the restoration project. All bird views above were from the main paths. A reminder, please, for visiting birders/photographers not to walk on any of the side gravel berms or across the landfill itself, as is posted on park signs. Anne Swaim Saw Mill River Audubon -- NYSbirds-L List Info: ARCHIVES: 1) 2) 3) Please submit your observations to eBird: --