A sad one to report, a PROTHONOTARY Warbler was found as a victim of a 
window-strike in Battery Park City (lower west Manhattan), by C. McRae, on 
Thursday, 9/17.  In any event, a species which can occur at this time of the 
year in our area. The species has been seen even to Oct. (if rarely) here, in 
years past.

A lot of migration for this past night & for a number of days & nights to come!

Friday, 9/18 -
Brief update:  Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

Both a Lark Sparrow & at least 1 Clay-colored Sparrow continued at the north 
end of Central Park, with the Lark Sparrow at the compost area, and 1 
Clay-colored Sparrow in the fenced plant-nursery area immediately south of the 
compost area - these both east of the park’s E. Drive roadway, & near approx. 
E. 105-104th Sts. - not far west of Fifth Ave. - both present in those sites to 
near dusk.  Both species seen & photo’d. by multiple observers again, on the 

Some of the other (major) avian rarities for the county have apparently moved 

There were still up to 19 American warbler species present in Central Park 
alone, & fair no’s. of these also found in many other parks & greenspaces. 
Growing no’s. of Savannah Sparrow have been detected, esp. at Randall’s Island, 
& elsewhere, while no’s. of Chipping Sparrow are still very modest. The 
‘trickle' of some other sparrow species, & Dark-eyed Junco, continued, as well. 

The main flight of Broad-winged Hawk, as expected, has been underway throughout 
N. America in the past week and should continue for some days ahead, these 
being seen from Canada to the Mexican borders, and many points between 
including smallish no’s. from Manhattan - but up to 4-digit counts made at 
sites not too far away from N.Y. City.  So look up - heads up!
This is a very delayed report on my part while not my own sighting, indeed not 
a sighting but an audio-documented occurrence - an UPLAND Sandpiper was 
recorded thru Nocturnal Flight Call determination, back on Aug. 25 by R. Zucker 
of Manhattan as it overflew that location - an extremely scarce bird for the 
county, & most likely if at all as a fly-over in seasonal migration. That one 
presumed enroute to wintering grounds in S. America and perhaps had arrived by 

"If you’re going to change things, you have to be with the people who hold the 
levers.” (part of a 2009 interview in The N.Y. Times - Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 
1933-2020 - R.I.P. - the second woman in the nation’s history to serve on the 
U.S. Supreme Court and a native-born-and raised-daughter of Brooklyn, N.Y. 
City, alumnus of Cornell University and Columbia University Law, both in New 
York state.)  

Good & ethical birding to all, & thanks to many for excellent observations.

Tom Fiore


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

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