
I haven't posted to this list for a while but it was pretty slow until
recently.  On September 11th, I had a first county record HUDSONIAN GODWIT
at Dorchester Park Whitney Point. The bird didn't stay long and
unfortunately I was the only person to get on it. There were some gulls
near one of the small jetties. I heard a BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER coming from
there so I went over and found the Godwit in my binoculars. This location
is behind a shack at Dorchester where they rent kayaks and canoes.
Unfortunately, a worker spooked all the gulls and godwit/plover before I
could get my scope on the godwit. It did get it in flight in my scope with
excellent views. Unfortunately it didn't come back. I checked all around
the reservoir to no avail.

The drought conditions up here have recently led to really low levels on
the Susquehanna and Chenango Rivers which made for extensive mudflats and
gravel bars. Aside from some cool shorebirds (nothing unusual) Jon Weeks
found a Glossy/White-Faced Ibis on September 27th. We haven't been able to
ID it to species level yet since it is immature. A challenging ID as you
know. The bird is still present as of today. The location is Cheri A.
Lindsay Park, an ebird hotspot in Binghamton.

Here are some ebird lists that have excellent photos of this Ibis.

Then Whitney Point dam was drawn down almost 4 feet exposing the shallow
areas of Upper Lisle County Park leading to extensive mudflats and gravel
bars over the last week. There is a lot
of shallow water and bait fish. This is the best habitat for gulls/terns
and shorebirds that I have seen here in more than 10 years. It is a bit
late for the bulk of shorebird migration but I have told
our local folks that anytime we have storms or a strong front to check this
area out.  On Saturday Oct 3rd we had 4 Forster's Terns up there, which are
pretty rare in Broome.

On Sunday, we had 5 AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVERS fly over and land on the gravel
bars at Upper Lisle. This is a high count for Broome County as far as I
know. The birds were juveniles. I picked them
up by call and got on them in flight. They were calling again on the ground
and were relocated. Fortunately Jay McGowan and his wife were also birding
Upper Lisle and they got some great views
of these awesome birds. Jay and Livia also tallied 92 species Sunday
October 4th which is a record for Upper Lisle, previous record was 87

My checklist is here with fair photos of the AGPL

Then today October 7th with a cold front coming through, I get a text from
Jon Weeks one of our local birders here who also found the ibis. He had an
unusual gull that he thought was either
a LAUGHING GULL or FRANKLIN'S GULL. I got up there after work and
relocated the gull which turned out to be a FRANKLIN'S GULL. Another rarity
for Broome County.


So with the FRGU Upper Lisle County Park now has 201 species for 2020, our
best year up here so far too date. The place also is in the top ten for all
ebird hotspots in NY state so far. Hopefully
we will keep this habitat a little longer before they fill-up the

Dave Nicosia


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