Hello CBCers! Even in these COVID-19 days, many birders still want to do the 
CBC!  The season runs from December 14, 2020 through January 5, 2021. National 
Audubon has established some strict rules this time around, in order to keep 
everyone safe. 1 - Coordinators will individually decide whether or not to hold 
their counts. There is no pressure on anyone to hold or participate in a count 
if they are not comfortable doing so.2 - For counts that are held, social 
distancing & masking are required at all times in the field, and there will be 
no compilation gatherings and no carpooling (except within familiar or social 
“pod” groups traveling together). The official Audubon notice containing the 
new rules is pasted below my signature in this email. If you are a CBC 
compiler/coordinator, please help me build an accurate 2019/2020 Christmas Bird 
Count schedule for count participants, to help get as many volunteers involved 
as possible. I’ll post your information as soon as I get it (unless I’m out 
birding). Now that November 15th has passed, counts can be confirmed, and any 
counts submitted from now on for inclusion on the calendar will NOT be marked 
TENTATIVE. Although the Audubon website will eventually have all the 
information on individual counts, a lot of people still refer to the CBC 
calendar on the NYSOA website at http://www.nybirds.org/ProjCBC.htm. All I need 
is the following information, which you can send by simply replying to this 
email. Alternatively, you can fill out the form on the NYSOA website at any 
time - go to http://www.nybirds.org/ProjCBC.htm and click on the link in the 
turquoise-colored box at the top of the page. Name of CBC circle     4-letter 
ID of CBC circle    CBC date Contact Name Contact email Contact phone number  
Thanks! Carena PoothNew York State Ornithological Association 

National Audbon has directed CBC compilers to wait until November 15, 2020 to 
make a decision as to whether they will hold or cancel their count(s). 
Therefore, any CBC listed below is TENTATIVE until November 15th, at which time 
participants should check back to see whether it will be held or not.
 From National Audubon to CBC compilers, September 21, 2020:Due to the COVID19 
outbreak, this year’s Christmas Bird Count will require a few changes if your 
count is to take place at all. The two options for Christmas Bird Count 
compilers are as follows:
| Option 1: Run a COVID-19 safe and socially distanced CBC, if local rules 
allow. [Must wait until November 15 at the earliest to choose this option in 
order to better understand status of COVID outbreak in your region during the 
CBC.] |
| Option 2: If option 1 is not possible, cancel this season’s CBC for your 
location. [Can choose this option now if you wish.] |

 If you choose option 1, below are the guidelines that we urge you to follow:  
| 1. | Wait until November 15 at the earliest to confirm CBC will take place, 
if local regulations allow. |
| 2. | Cancel all in-person compilation gatherings. |
| 3. | Social distancing and/or masking are required at all times in the field. 
| 4. | Carpooling may only occur within existing familiar or social “pod” 
groups. |
| 5. | Activities must comply with all current state and municipal COVID-19 
guidelines. |

 If you feel it is not safe to move forward with your CBC and choose option 2, 
please know that Audubon fully supports your decision to cancel. The safety of 
our compilers and community scientists will always be our top priority. 


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

Please submit your observations to eBird:


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