Sunday, Dec. 27th -

The Greater White-fronted Goose (of the Greenland-breeding form) was seen (& 
photographed) again at Randall’s Island, at least as of late morning & also 
later on, presumed same bird which had been discovered there in the N.Y. County 
sector of the 12/20 C.B.C.; it’s not clear that this individual was present on 
Randall’s Island for all of 12/27 including early morning, however. 

Of other lingering rare &/or long-staying birds in N.Y. County, at Manhattan on 
ongoing Western Tanager was still being seen in or adjacent to Carl Schurz Park 
at East End Ave. near 86th St., with some reports suggesting that bird may be 
showing a proclivity to further wanderings, presumably in search of food. That 
may perhaps be the situation with the previously-&-earlier reported other 
(different) W. Tanager from West 22nd St. some miles south & west from Carl 
Schurz Park, having a need to find good food sources.   A Baltimore Oriole has 
continued to be found at Fort Tryon Park in n. Manhattan, and a long-lingering 
Lincoln’s Sparrow has continued at Union Square Park.

Good birding to all - and thanks to the many who also keep the birds’ best 
interests at heart, when out in the field - and limit any possible disturbances 
to the birds’ requirements for food, shelter, safety, and quiet, including for 
some birds now trying to roost undisturbed.  

Tom Fiore,

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