The second year of the NY State Breeding Bird Atlas is underway. In
addition to monthly Atlas Town Halls online, there are several webinars to
learn about the Atlas.

Visit the Atlas calendar <> to get
details and Zoom links and also view other scheduled events:

Here are some upcoming highlights.

*March Town Hall -  **NEXT Monday, March 8, 7:00 – 8:00pm*
Every month from now through August we'll focus on an atlas skill and
follow it up with a Town Hall meeting so you can ask questions and connect
with other atlasers. This month we'll demonstrate key steps in how to make
an Atlas plan. The demo will be followed by an open Q&A where you can ask
questions about Atlas planning or any other Atlas topic that's been on your

*About the Atlas - **Thursday, March 25, 7:00 – 8:00pm*
We've just started the second year of NY BBA III! This workshop will cover
the history of the atlas, the importance of atlas data and how you can get
involved. Whether you are a beginner or advanced birder, this unique
opportunity will strengthen your bird watching skills while contributing
valuable data to a large conservation-oriented project.

*April Town Hall - Season 2 Kickoff and Q & A -* *Wednesday, April 7, 6:30
- 8:30pm*
Every month from now through August we'll focus on an atlas skill and
follow it up with a Town Hall meeting so you can ask questions and connect
with other atlasers. The demo will be followed by an open Q&A.

*Breeding Codes - **Thursday, April 15, 7:00 – 8:00pm*
Every time you’re out birding, you’re observing bird behavior. It could be
a song, some territorial squabble, or even a bird building a nest. Matching
bird behaviors to specific codes is all you have to do to atlas! In this
webinar we'll review the various breeding categories and codes. There will
be quizzes.

*Atlasing with eBird - **Thursday, April 22, 7:00 – 8:00pm*
Data is collected for the Atlas using the Atlas Portal on eBird. Learn what
the portal is and why it’s important to use. This webinar is appropriate
for those who have never used eBird or for seasoned eBird users who have
never used the Atlas Portal.

Email for more information or if you have any

Wendy Tocci
Anne Swaim
Regional Coordinators - Hudson Valley
(with thanks to Wendy for above compilation!)

Anne Swaim,
Executive Director
Saw Mill River Audubon


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