New York County, N.Y. City -
Sunday, May 9th:

A flock of 38 Glossy Ibis was seen in flight (T. Olson) from The Battery at 
Manhattan island’s southern tip and subsequently (what was virtually certain to 
have been the same Ibis flock) was seen from Inwood Hill Park (D. Karlson) at 
the northern end of Manhattan, on Sunday morning.  This species has been 
showing up well away from the coastal plain this spring, particularly along the 
Hudson River, and there was a prior sighting this spring of even larger numbers 
flying over Manhattan.

At least 28 Warbler species were found on Sunday in N.Y. County and among those 
was a Yellow-throated Warbler seen in Central Park (J. Suzuki) along & near the 
bridle path and northwest of the reservoir, an area which produced the county’s 
one (past) record of Kirtland’s Warbler.  Other warbler species seen Sunday 
included a number of the earlier-moving species such as Pine, Palm, and 
Louisiana Waterthrush (all photographed) as well as such later-moving species 
as Tennessee & Bay-breasted, and of course others (all species with multiple 
observers). Central Park alone contained all of the 28 species, with many also 
being found throughout the county now.

Black-billed & Yellow-billed Cuckoos have each continued on into this past 
weekend, including sightings of both species in Central Park.   Empidonax 
[genus] flycatchers have been increasing a bit with a few reports starting to 
indicate more diversity; Acadian Flycatcher being most recently noted, Willow 
and Least Flycatchers still the most regularly seen & heard, the latter in 

Thanks to many quiet & patient observers continuing to offer reports from 

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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