Riverside Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City
Thursday, May 13th -

A Pileated Woodpecker wandered south into a section of Riverside Park (near West 86th St.) which borders Riverside Drive, the westernmost ave. in the area; thanks to E. Sarmento for the exceptional find that far (south) into Manhattan. This discovery follows the sightings of a Pileated, perhaps this one being the same individual, which worked over many trees in the northern Manhattan parks, and (that individual) seen at least to the 1st of May at the area of the Cloisters, in Fort Tryon Park, or roughly 5 miles to the north of the present sighting.

Thanks to the NYC County Birders alert, a (nonprofit) modest-scale group with a science base, for the heads-up by the finder of this latest Manhattan Pileated.

Many other birds are around this park & all around New York County again, as anticipated with good ongoing migrations. There are some Red-breasted Nuthatches, Pine Siskins, and Purple Finches continuing to show, and the possibility of other irruptive species; there were already at least 22 warbler species being seen in Manhattan alone before noon Thursday, with all of those species having been in Central Park, & a good many also found in other parks.

good birding to all,

Tom Fiore

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