Thanks for the report Jennifer.

PSA: I just want to caution folks who might be looking to try for those
birds about the parking situation. That fisherman's parking lot now
requires a parking permit. Vehicles have been known to be ticketed in the
past and on Sunday when Steve Walter and I had packed in our Hawk Count for
the day, I received intel that the Parks Police had later arrived and were
ticketing non compliance vehicles.

A couple of alternative approaches would be (A) Park in Fort Tilden proper
and walk down towards the area where these birds have been reported. (B)
Take turns in visiting the birds. Meaning, some birders have taken turns
with someone manning their vehicle in the Fisherman's Lot while others
would get their looks/tick and then swap places.


On Fri, Sep 24, 2021 at 11:36 AM Jennifer Kepler <>

> We had two golden plover (juv plumage) and about 9 whimbrel east of the
> fisherman’s lot at Ft Tilden in queens about two hours ago. Some off leash
> dogs arrived and I hear the birds were no longer in that direction, but
> folks may have better luck east of the lot to find them. Perhaps they will
> chime in and provide an update.
> Lifer golden plover and whimbrel for my 1.5 year old 😅
> Happy birding,
> Jen & Kestrel
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*風 Swift as the wind*

*林 Quiet as the forest 火 Conquer like the fire山 Steady as the mountain*
*Sun Tzu <>  The Art of War

*(\__/)(= '.'=)                                            *

*(") _ (")                                     *

*Andrew Baksh*
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