New York County (in N.Y. City) including Manhattan, Randall’s, and Governors 
Friday, 1st of October -

A female-plumaged Blue Grosbeak was continuing at Governors Island, near / 
around Fort Jay, and there were still a very good variety of other migrants to 
be found there, as well as ongoing insect diversity too.   An Eastern 
Meadowlark was found on Sheep Meadow in Central Park, seen by many for a part 
of the day. Good diversity in general continued to be noted all through the 
county, with a slight tendency to more autumnal birds such as various sparrows 
(also with more Juncos now) on the increase, and somewhat fewer (overall) of 
the neotropical-wintering migrant species - although there were still a good 
diversity of the latter and some still in fair numbers, for the date.  At least 
20 warbler species were still being seen for all of the county on Friday, and 
of those, a minimum of 19 species were found in Central Park, with so many 
observers there.  Chimney Swifts are still around in fair numbers, as are some 
Ruby-throated Hummingbirds and some other migrants that one would expect to 
clear-out in coming weeks, or sooner depending in part on overall weather in 
the area and the region.

Small numbers of Broad-winged Hawks and a variety of other raptors as well as 
Turkey Vulture were seen from a number of vantage points in Manhattan on 
Friday, including from Central Park, as well as from Riverside Park South, & 
elsewhere.  A Snowy Egret seen from the Chelsea park off W. 23-28th Streets 
(Hudson River) was notable now for the date for N.Y. county.

good birding to all, 

Tom Fiore

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