New York County (in N.Y. City) including Manhattan, Randall’s and Governors 
Sunday, Feb. 6th:

Both Western Tanagers continued on in their respective areas, one at Carl 
Schurz Park, the other in the (just east of) Tenth Ave. & W. 47th-48th St. area 
with Clinton Community Garden again providing a brief Sunday p.m. view, but 
that latter bird is quite mobile within it’s seeming territory and is not 
exactly a ’sure thing’ without some patience, plus -usually- a bit of luck. 

An adult/winter Black-headed Gull was again found at Randall’s Island, often in 
company of a modest number of Ring-billed Gulls there. A long-lingering 
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron that has overwintered at least 2 winters now was 
again seen, and there also have been Black-crowned Night- and Great Blue Herons 
at that site recently (& for the latter, also elsewhere in the county).  
Sparrow species on Randall’s Island also continued to include Savannah, and 
American Tree - as noted in a paragraph below. 

The multiple Chipping, & Field Sparrow[s] are ongoing at Central Park, as found 
both days of the weekend, by multiple observers there - they’ve been lingering 
at the park’s n. end for some days.  There have also been an uptick in ducks, 
and some gulls (as I’ve noted previously) on Central Park’s northern-most 
waterbody, the Meer, which has had varying bits of water and ice. All of the 
waters will be opening, in coming days with the thaw, which may or may not draw 
in more duckage or gulls - although both types of birds will of course be 
shifting & moving all thru the next months, right on into spring.  The several 
Rusty Blackbirds continued at Central Park, including at least one in the 
Ramble which has been around for some time, as seen by many over weeks and 
weeks, with 2 others also in other parts of that park. American Robins also 
continue in a variety of locations, some in street trees & a very few giving 
tuning-up type singing, while their fellow robins may have seemed to look 
askance, as if “hey, it’s not quite spring yet.”.  There are also modest no's. 
of Cedar Waxwings around the county, particularly in n. Manhattan.

With American Tree Sparrows having been found in at least 7 locations in 
N.Y.County (including on Governors and Randall’s Islands in more than 1 site 
each, and on Manhattan in at least 3, and likely more sites over the weekend, 
it is a possibility that a few other scrub / weedy patch loving small passerine 
species also are in the area, and should be watched -and listened!- for on any 
birding rounds.  Among the sites having had Am. Tree Sparrow are near the south 
end of the island and also in a couple of sites along the Hudson river greenway 
which extends nearly the length of Manhattan, & has ‘patches' of good habitat. 
Towards the north, some of those patches are fairly extensive & can include 
areas just along the Amtrak R.R. tracks corridor, which is viewable from the 
fence-line in a number of areas. (of course, the majority of passerines seen 
along that will be… Passer domesticus - House Sparrow, the commonest of all the 
smaller such birds in much of the city, particularly so in Manhattan’s cookie / 
chips / bagels / etc. crumbs-left regions…  In a ‘town’ where some of us have 
watched *early-spring-arrival* Ovenbird go for an entire bologna sandwhich 
(with mustard!) - or at least, tug on the meatier portion thereof, it’s all 
about the available foods for birds.  But that can also include seeds on 
unmowed grasses & so forth, in what appear as 'weedy spots’, as rare as they 
are in relative terms with the canyons of tall buildings ever nearby.

At least a couple of Common Goldeneyes were ongoing in places they had been, 
off Governors Island, and off Randall’s Island on Sunday. Central Park 
continues to have its 1 hen Green-winged Teal, as well as several Wood Ducks on 
various waters, and some of the other recent ducks continuing.  2 Snow Geese 
were still lingering at Randall’s Island with the many Brant (all deemed to be 
‘Atlantic’ Brant, the most usual form of this region) and there are Canada 
Geese scattered all around the county, still quite numerous in various places.  
The semi-regular drake N. Pintail was again at the W. 79th St. boat-basin 
(marina) on the Hudson, off Riverside Park. Fair no’s. of gulls also have 
continued to show there.

Bald Eagles have been seen in the multiple & from a number of places in the 
county; the most regular sightings can be from along the Hudson river & off 
upper Manhattan.  Also seen have been Merlin and a very few Turkey Vultures, 
while Common Raven sightings have been ongoing and from a variety of locations 
in the county. 

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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