The next North Shore Audubon Society (NSAS) general meeting will be held via 
Zoom on Tuesday, February 22, 2022, at 7pm.

Our presentation will be "Birds and Bogs:  Climate Change and Life at the Edge 
of the Boreal” by Michale Glennon.
Free admission.  
All are invited - you do not need to be a NSAS member to attend.

     New York’s Adirondack Park is a breeding ground for numerous migratory 
bird species, many declining.
     A unique component of the Adirondacks are the birds inhabiting the boreal 
peatlands. Climate change is now widely recognized as a major threat to 
biodiversity. As the southern range extent for this ecosystem type and many of 
its avian inhabitants, the park is a valuable location to monitor changes in 
bird populations. Findings from long-term monitoring of boreal birds in the 
Adirondacks suggests their responses to climate change may be mediated by land 
use patterns, highlight the importance of a patchy habitat distribution, and 
raise important implications for conservation strategies.

     Michale is the Science Director for the Paul Smith’s College Adirondack 
Watershed Institute, where she serves a leading role in the ecological research 
conducted in the Adirondacks. Her research includes the intersection between 
land use management and ecological integrity, focused on the impacts of low 
density, exurban development. She has also worked on impacts of ski area 
development on Bicknell’s thrush, a migrant of high conservation priority, on 
the effects of recreation patterns on birds and mammals, and understanding the 
lowland boreal birds in the Adirondack Park and the potential impacts of 
climate change. 

     Michale serves on the advisory boards of multiple organizations. She lives 
in Ray Brook with her husband Scott, as well as 2 teenagers, 2 horses, 2 goats, 
and 1 cat.

Pre-registration is required for this Zoom meeting. 
After registering, you will receive a link to join the meeting.
For more information on NSAS programs and weekly walks, see <>  
Hope to see you on Zoom!

Nancy Tognan
Publicity volunteer, North Shore Audubon Society, PO Box 763, Port Washington, 
NY 11050 <> <> 

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