The *Thursday* updates on the Tundra Bean-Goose in central New York were that it had been refound, with a group of keen observers able to be there late (in the day) Thursday 3/10, at the Montezuma complex, first in Seneca Co. and then watched flying out to Wayne County, NY - where it may have stayed - ? - or went on. It was reportedly last-seen flying on past Van Dyne Spoor Rd. (near Savannah, NY), some of which comprises the north limits of that sector of the refuge / wildlife area, which is of course vast in total area. One report noted that an airplane may have scared-up many of the geese in the area (esp. 1,000’s of Snow Geese) which included the apparent bean-goose, & that many geese took off 'towards the north'.
One of the photos now placed in the Macaulay Library archive of this goose is here: <> (with thanks to Joe Wing, and to all the rest of the observers). . . . . Lots of waterfowl were being found in the above areas on Friday 3/11, including fly-overs. Birders (from as far as the Niagara frontier to part of Long Island) were in the region seeking what can be found (or re-found)… good birding to all, Tom Fiore manhattan -- NYSbirds-L List Info: ARCHIVES: 1) 2) 3) Please submit your observations to eBird: --