As I had already posted to this list, in a *report appearing on June 24th* of 
this year, and noted therein as follows:
- - - -
New York County (in N.Y. City), including Manhattan, Randall’s Island, and 
Governors Island
summertime sightings - esp. Tues. 6/21 to Thursday, 6/23 -
Some highlights include Black Skimmer, Cliff Swallow (nesting), & (uncommon so 
late) Red-breasted Nuthatch, plus many other species either nesting, visiting, 
or still-lingering.
plus the following in the body of the same report to this list made June 24th -
Uncommon siighting so deep into the year (indeed, on summer-solstice day), a 
Red-breasted Nuthatch was photographed at Central Park on Tuesday, **JUNE 21** 
(**photo** is in the Macaulay Library archive); the one definitely-breeding 
nuthatch species of that park & elsewhere in the county is White-breasted. It 
was a very strong spring (& last winter to some extent) for Red-breasteds and 
this presumably is a lingerer, though rather unusually late for this area, 
however there were other sightings (& in other locations) in the county this 
I’ll EMPHASIZE that, in case needed - the Red-breasted Nuthatch from Central 
Park seen June 21st of this year has its’ photograph archived in the Macaulay 
Library - to be clear-as-a-bell, that bird was in an eBird report, and it is 

Since that bird was noted on THAT exact date, there have been slightly more 
than -Twenty- sightings of Red-breasted Nuthatch in Central Park (alone), some 
involving the same singleton, and more that were not (including up to 7 on one 
day), which will be further-detailed in a few days time, as there have also 
been others in the county, esp. on one recent day.

and - it’s been clear for the past week+ that Red-breasted Nuthatches are 
‘irrupting' again - and have started to increase - the phenomenon is not 
limited to N.Y. County or N.Y. City.

see also the following extracted from my report to this list on June 29th (as 
written-up late-night of June 28th) - which included:
Although this is still a ‘developing story’ in the greater Northeast, there are 
increasing reports of, at least - Red-breasted Nuthatches showing this time of 
the year where they are not thought to be breeding (and including -lately- in 
N.Y. County), with some sense that this could predict an influx of other 
irruptive-breeding and flock-feeding wanderer-species - there are also reports 
in some northeast & mid-Atlantic locations of unusual-for-site[s], and some 
uncommonly-high numbers, of at least Red Crossbill, including some not too far 
out from N.Y. City; and also some increases in sightings of Pine Siskins that 
include signs of flocking-up and some wandering already.  See below for some 
sightings of Red-breasted Nuthatches in N.Y. County, in the past week or less. 
There also were 2 Purple Finches at Inwood on Sat., 6/25 which is possibly 
almost-unprecedented at such a late date; that species was running-late well 
into May with a few still going in early June.  No signs that the 2 at Inwood 
show any pairing, however.
Red-breasted Nuthatch - (minimum of FOUR individuals just on Sunday, June 26th 
- Union Square Park, City Hall Park, and 2 for Central Park, at Ramble area and 
Pinetum area same-time)

Those (above) reports in the >> brackets << are mine, with multiple additional 
sightings of Red-breasted Nuthatches, by more than 25 individual birders 
independently-birding and/or with non-profit guided walks.

A Happy and Safe Fourth to all,

Tom Fiore


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