New York County (in N.Y. City), including Manhattan, Randall’s Island, and 
Governors Island 
Thursday, Aug. 18th:

A moderately active day with some new movement, punctuated by a rare-in-county 
sighting (by T. Olson) of American Oystercatcher, along the Hudson River off 
mid-lower Manhattan; also, pushing southward were the highest-so-far numbers of 
E. Kingbirds of this ‘fall’ season, and also fair no’s. of Bobolinks, 
Red-winged Blackbirds, and small but not insignificant no’s. of hummingbirds in 
diurnal flight (all of latter presumed Ruby-throated, however other species are 
not out of the question even now).  Later in the day-dusk, Common Nighthawks 
appeared, including at least one coming thru Central Park around the reservoir.

For the county as a whole, the below species were the minimum of what was 
found. For Central Park (only) with many having an interest in what has been 
seen there, species seen on the day at (which may be in-addition to other sites 
in the county) Central are noted with *CP.  It can be noted that at least 22 
American warbler species were in Central Park, overall on the day.

Canada Goose (*CP)
Wood Duck (*CP)
Gadwall (*CP)
Mallard (*CP)
American Black Duck (*CP)
[feral] Rock Pigeon (*CP)
Mourning Dove (*CP)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (*CP)
Common Nighthawk (*CP)
Chimney Swift (*CP - and, over all of the county, many)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (*CP)
American OYSTERCATCHER (in flight at Hudson River, off Manhattan; see above 
Killdeer (multiple)
Least Sandpiper (multiple)
Calidris-genus, or “peep” sp.
Spotted Sandpiper (*CP - & elsewhere, all in the multiple)
Laughing Gull (*CP - & - elsewhere in the multiple)
Ring-billed Gull (*CP)
[American] Herring Gull (*CP)
Great Black-backed Gull (*CP)
Common Tern
Double-crested Cormorant (*CP)
Great Blue Heron (*CP)
Great Egret (*CP)
Snowy Egret (*CP)
Green Heron (*CP)
Black-crowned Night-Heron (*CP)
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (Randall’s Island)
Black Vulture (Inwood Hill Park, n. Manhattan)
Turkey Vulture
Osprey (*CP)
Bald Eagle
Red-tailed Hawk (*CP)
GH Owl (as has been)
Belted Kingfisher (*CP)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (*CP)
Downy Woodpecker (*CP)
Hairy Woodpecker (*CP)
Yellow-shafted Flicker (*CP)
American Kestrel (*CP)
Merlin (*CP)
Peregrine Falcon (*CP)
Eastern Wood-Pewee (*CP)
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (*CP)
Alder/Willow Flycatcher (Traill's Flycatcher)
Least Flycatcher (*CP)
Empidonax [genus] Flycatcher[s] (*CP)
Eastern Phoebe
Great Crested Flycatcher (*CP)
Eastern Kingbird (*CP - for the county, good flight day, esp. midday)
Yellow-throated Vireo (*CP)
Warbling Vireo (*CP)
Red-eyed Vireo (*CP)
Blue Jay (*CP)
American Crow (*CP)
Fish Crow (*CP)
Common Raven
Black-capped Chickadee (*CP)
Tufted Titmouse (*CP)
Northern Rough-winged Swallow (*CP)    
Tree Swallow (*CP)
Barn Swallow (*CP - and overall, many)
Red-breasted Nuthatch (*CP - multiple)
White-breasted Nuthatch (*CP)                                        
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (*CP - and overall, numerous)
House Wren (*CP)
Carolina Wren (*CP)   
European Starling (*CP)
Gray Catbird (*CP)
Brown Thrasher (*CP)
Northern Mockingbird (*CP)                                                      
Veery (*CP)
Swainson's Thrush (*CP)
Hermit Thrush (*CP - an individual which poss./potentially was summering)
Wood Thrush (*CP)
American Robin (*CP)
House Sparrow (*CP)
House Finch (*CP)
American Goldfinch (*CP)
Chipping Sparrow (*CP)
White-throated Sparrow (*CP)
Song Sparrow (*CP)
Swamp Sparrow (*CP)
Eastern Towhee (*CP)
Bobolink (multiple)
Orchard Oriole
Baltimore Oriole (*CP)
Red-winged Blackbird (*CP - and overall, numerous)
Brown-headed Cowbird (*CP)
Common Grackle (*CP)
Ovenbird (*CP - and others as well in various locations)
Worm-eating Warbler  (*CP - at least 2 present)
Louisiana Waterthrush (*CP)
Northern Waterthrush (*CP - multiple, and in general around the county)
Blue-winged Warbler (*CP)
Black-and-white Warbler (*CP - multiple, and in general around the county)
Tennessee Warbler (*CP)
Nashville Warbler (*CP)
Mourning Warbler (*CP)
Common Yellowthroat (*CP)
American Redstart (*CP - many, and in general around the county)
Cape May Warbler (*CP)
Northern Parula (*CP)
Magnolia Warbler (*CP)
Bay-breasted Warbler (*CP)
Blackburnian Warbler (*CP)
Yellow Warbler (*CP - multiple, and in general around the county)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (*CP)
Blackpoll Warbler (*CP)
Bay-breasted/Blackpoll Warbler (*CP)
Black-throated Blue Warbler (*CP)
Yellow-rumped [Myrtle] Warbler (early-ish, yet also being found now & recently 
in a number of other sites regionally where this species does not breed)
Prairie Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler (*CP)
Canada Warbler (*CP - multiple)
Scarlet Tanager (*CP)
Northern Cardinal (*CP)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (*CP)
Indigo Bunting (*CP)

Thanks to the over-80 observers out and about in many areas at various times of 
the day and into early evening.  A reasonable likelihood that some other 
species also occured.  Many more migrants were again on the move by Thursday 
night going on into Friday.

Peaceful birding to all,

Tom Fiore
[N.Y. City]


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