At Central Park (in Manhattan, N.Y. City) a Lark Sparrow was found (J. Pavan) 
and seen by many observers at the compost area in that parks’ north end, on 
Sunday, August 28th.  Once reported, there were observers still watching 
through the day, with plenty of admirers even through the early evening hours. 
(Apologies if this was already posted to this list-serve.)

There have been a fair number of early-in-season migrant arrivals this month, 
and among those have been several [Myrtle] Yellow-rumped Warblers, which have 
been seen in Central Park & elsewhere in the county in which Central is 
located, as well as (at least a few) in other nearby counties including 
elsewhere in N.Y. City and also in locations well-south of N.Y. City over more 
than a week’s time by now. This paralells a number of other migrant species 
having come in on their journeys southward at least modestly ahead of 
‘typical’, expected first-arrival dates in various sites, and as photographed 
individuals in some instances as well. It does not necessarily seem a truly 
broad, or ‘sweeping’ trend, as there are also many many neotropical-wintering 
and shorter-distance migrant birds in the far-north, via innumerable 
highly-reliable reports and also from some doing research and longer term 
studies in various states and Canadian provinces.

The season’s first Pied-billed Grebe for Central Park (in Manhattan) was 
present in that park, on the reservoir beginning by Friday, 8/26. 

P.S. - please be prepared to photo or video ANY ‘odd-looking’ harriers seen 
over any coming days or weeks. As the *Maine* mega-rare harrier was perhaps-not 
found again in that state on Sunday, but it is possible report[s] could yet 
surface. There is a fair chance that if that bird works south-southwest in the 
coming days or weeks, it crosses part[s] of N.Y. State.

more to be reported on some day soon.

peaceful birding to all,

Tom Fiore
[N.Y. City]

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