Hey Listers!

If you want to get your numbers into the 2022 report, don’t miss the *March
1 deadline (one week from Wednesday 2/22)*.

*Data may be submitted online (which saves me a lot of work) at *
https://nybirds.org/ProjCountyLists.html* or received by me via USPS by
March 1st (if you are unable to submit your data online).*

Remember, if you want any of your results included, you must submit your
report, even if your numbers haven’t changed since the last one you sent
in. And don’t forget to renew your NYSOA membership if you haven’t done so

Carena Pooth
NYSOA County Listing Coordinator
New York State Ornithological Association

PS - If you have already submitted your report and did not receive an email
acknowledgment from me, please let me know so I can track it down.


IF YOU’RE NEW TO THIS and would like to know more, please read on.

Do you have a teensy little tendency to be competitive? Or maybe you’re
just curious? See where your New York State and county life list totals
stand compared with others'!
THE BASICS:  After the close of each calendar year, participants send in
their life list totals for the entire state, NYSOA’s 10 “Kingbird” regions,
and/or the 62 counties and/or the new Pelagic Zone. You can send in just
one number or as many as 75, or anywhere in between – it’s your choice
depending on where you’ve birded and what records you’ve kept. You can
submit your data online (preferably) at nybirds.org/ProjCountyLists.html or
via email or US Mail. The deadline for online submissions and
postmarks is *March
1, 2023*.

A compilation is produced annually and published in NYSOA’s newsletter and
also on the NYSOA website at nybirds.org/ProjCountyLists.html. Online &
printable forms, plus a map of the ten Kingbird regions of the state, are
available on that web page also.
eBirders, check our website for *tips for getting your report numbers from
eBird: * https://nybirds.org/CountyLists/ebirdhow.html

THE ONLY REQUIREMENT TO PARTICIPATE is that you be a 2023 member of NYSOA
or one of its member clubs, or a 2023 Youth Member of the NYS Young Birders

Join in on the fun – but don’t miss the deadline!


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

Please submit your observations to eBird:


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