Hello Birding Friends!

Since I am up to my ears in other must-do's, I will not have time to work
on the compilation just yet. So if you haven't sent in your numbers and
you'd like to be included, there's still time!

Carena / NYSOA

NYSOA County & State Listing -- It’s time to get your 2022 lists in!  The
link to the online form is

In case it is not possible for you to enter your data online, there is also
a link at the top of that page for the printable form you can mail in.

Remember, no reports submitted in previous years are automatically carried
into the next. If you want to be listed in the 2022 compilation, you must
submit your numbers, even if they haven’t changed since the last report you
sent in.

For more details, see below.

Awaiting your list with bated breath…unless you've already sent it in, in
which case I thank you sincerely!
Carena / NYSOA



NYSOA’s County and State Listing Project is a *fun, friendly
competition. *Started
in 1992, it continues to attract new participants every year. Some of our
first county listers have not missed a single year since the beginning
(watch out, you might get hooked!). Here’s how it works:

After the close of each calendar year, participants send in as many of the
following as they wish to share:  their *LIFE list *totals for *all of NYS*,
the 10 *Kingbird regions*, the 62 *counties*, and the *PELAGIC ZONE (PZ)*.

In addition, we have one* YEAR LIST *category – for the entire state - and
a *SELF-FOUND* list category (the number of species you found in
2022 without being alerted to them by others or by eBird alerts -- or by
any other bird alert systems.

You can send in just one number or as many as 76, or anywhere in between –
it’s your choice depending on where you’ve birded and what records you’ve
kept. A compilation is produced annually and published in NYSOA’s
newsletter and also on the NYSOA website at
https://nybirds.org/ProjCountyLists.html. *Forms, a map of the ten Kingbird
regions, and details on the new Pelagic Zone are available on that web page

Join in on the fun and see where you stand – statewide, region by region,
county by county – in comparison with other birders all over New York
State (and even outside the state). To see what the annual compilation
looks like, check out the archive at


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

Please submit your observations to eBird:


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