Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City - Saturday, April 15th -

A Vesper Sparrow was seen by multiple observers, along with the day’s finder 
who had photographed it, H. Cordero. This sighting, inside the park’s west side 
near about W. 97th Street, coordinated nicely for some, with a Yellow-throated 
Warbler which was reported in timely fashion via this list-serve on the day, 
that rare-bird being but about ten short city blocks south and one longer-block 
west of Central Park (from the Vesper’s location).   There was a likely small 
‘push’ of Yellow-throated Warbler on the move in the region, over Friday night, 
with others showing in some sites as well by Saturday, 4/15 and additional to 
the few that were known to have come into possible-probable breeding sites in 
some areas in the wider region. 

There have been some prior sightings of [photographed] Vesper Sparrows in 
Central Park, including at least one such there on Friday, 4/14 in the north 
end of Central Park.

Warblers seen entirely within Central Park - all of them previously found there 
- included these on Saturday, 4/15:
Louisiana Waterthrush (in multiple areas)
Northern Waterthrush
Black-and-white Warbler (in multiple areas)
Northern Parula (ongoing individual in same area it had been for some time by 
Palm Warbler (still in numbers in multiple areas)
Pine Warbler (multiple, if fewer now than 1 week prior)
Myrtle/Yellow-rumped Warbler (some slight increases)
Prairie Warbler (at least one ongoing, same area as previously)

A small number of Purple Finches were seen (and some photographed) in Central 
Park on Saturday, contiuning a recent trend there.  A modest arrival of Brown 
Thrashers took place for Saturday, while still more will be anticipated soon. 
There were a minimum of a dozen Blue-headed Vireos in multiple areas, with 
several of them in the Ramble section of the park on Saturday, and with many 
observers of all. Multiple Wood Ducks have continued in Central Park, including 
at the reservoir and elsewhere.

Overall, at least 75 species of native birds were found in Central Park for the 
day, on April 15th. Thanks to the many, many observers out and about at all 
(varied) hours and in nearky every part of the park.

Good birding,

Tom Fiore


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

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