5/7/23 - Central Park, Manhattan, NY
5 Canada Geese1 Wood Duck7 Mallards3 Double-crested Cormorants1 Black-crowned 
NIght-Heron2 Red-tailed Hawks1 VIRGINIA RAIL1 Solitary Sandpiper3 Herring 
Gulls8+ Mourning Dovesmany Rock Pigeons2 Yellow-bellied Cuckoos1 EURASIAN 
EAGLE-OWL5 Chimney Swifts4 Red-bellied Woodpeckers3 Downy Woodpeckers2 Northern 
Flickers1 Least Flycatcher2 Great Crested Flycatchers1 Yellow-throated Vireo4 
Blue-headed Vireos2 Warbling Vireos2 Red-eyed Vireosseveral Blue Jays1 House 
Wren3 Ruby-crowned Kingletsmany Veerys4 Gray-cheeked Thrushes2 Wood 
Thrushesmany American Robinsseveral Gray Catbirdsmany European Starlings1 
Nashville Warblerseveral Northern Parulas1 Yellow Warbler5 Chestnut-sided 
Warblers4 Magnolia Warblersseveral Black-throated Blue Warblers7+ Yellow-rumped 
Warblers6+ Black-throated Green Warblers1 Palm Warblermany Black-and-white 
Warblers2 American Redstarts1 Worm-eating Warblermany Ovenbirds7+ Northern 
Waterthrushes4 Common Yellowthroats1 HOODED WARBLER1 Canada Warblerseveral 
Scarlet Tanagers3 Swamp Sparrowsmany White-throated Sparrows5+ Northern 
Cardinals1 Rose-breasted Grosbeak4+ Red-winged Blackbirdsseveral Common 
Grackles3 Purple Finches4 American Goldfinchesmany House Sparrows
If anyone wants locations email me.
Andrew BlockConsulting Naturalist
Yonkers, New York www.flickr.com/photos/conuropsis/albums

NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

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