Sunday, December 31st - Riverdale, part of western Bronx County, N.Y. City -

IMPERATIVE - early Sunday, some birders who had started to enter the driveway 
and farther on in to the nursing home grounds, which are to the south of W. 231 
St., were asked, then TOLD to leave, immediately and that if they did not 
leave, the police would be called. PLEASE respect the nursing homes decision to 
bar outside people from entering their property in the area where the recent 
sightings where birders --last week-- had come in for some viewing of one 
warbler by 2 large toy cars painted in blazing pink. THAT area and vicinity is 
particularly OFF-limits, and NO ONE should walk into that area. Fair warning.

The ongoing Townsends Warbler as well as MacGillivrays Warbler were again seen, 
by many on Sunday, with each bird initially seen rather early in the day, and 
then the MacGillivrays multiple times at points that are visible from West 231 
Street, west of Independence Ave. - with the Townsends Warbler showing by 
mid-morning, and then for an hour or so, in a prominent pine, just north -other 
side- of W. 231 St. approx. 40-50 yards west of the junction with Independence, 
that. being the same pine tree, by 2 adjacent private driveways, where the 
Townsends Warbler made more appearances on Saturday 12/30.

So far, it has seemed the MacGillivrays has been on a semi-regular daily 
circuit and comes thru patches of habita along and near W. 231 St. - it may be 
too soon to be sure, but the Townsends Warbler could also be on a bit of a 
circuit in the trees, moving from off-limits areas in the nursing home grounds 
and then to the north side trees on W. 231. There may be R.-c. Kinglets, B.-c. 
Chickadees. and some other small birds at times that are sharing trees and 
feeding with, or next to, the Townsends Warbler. The MacGillivrays seems not to 
go with any flocks at all, and just goes on its rounds as it pleases. The 
latter bird also has been relatively vocal with chip-notes all days of its 
known occurence - since 12/23 - and it may be that the Townsends is rather less 
vocal, so far.

All of West 231 Street is of course a public NYC street, and all should simply 
be aware of passing cars and occasional trucks, and on Independence Ave. be 
aware also of passing city buses, on a re-route detour for the time being, as 
well as very frequent car traffic. Many local residents have shown curiosity 
and interest in the rare western visitors, the two warblers and it is hoped all 
birders continue on best behavior to maintain a friendly feeling from area 

We must thank Julian Batista again - without his spotting, of the 
MacGillivrays, we would likely not have had now two rare avian visitors in this 
particular neighborhood being seen by anyone at all, this is not a typically 
watched-over area of the larger neighborhood. A location such as Wave Hill 
Botanical Garden, also in Riverdale, the Bronx, is far better known and often 
visited by birders and the general public.

- and thanks much to sharp-eyed birders who helped get the rest of us on these 
birds - and other more-typical birds of the season in the area, or flying over.

Good luck to all who try for these warblers, and to all for great birding-luck 
in 2024,

Tom Fiore


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