Tuesday, January 2nd - Riverdale neighborhood in the west Bronx of N.Y. City -

A Townsends Warbler and a MacGillivrays Warbler each continue on and near West 
231 St., west of Independence Ave. - the MacGillvrays has as of Monday and 
again Tues., occasionally showed on the north side of W. 231St, and for that 
warbler one should listen for distinctive chip notes as well as by sight. The 
Townsends Warbler makes some circuits and has regularly made appearances to a 
pine tree just a few yards in from the north side of 231st, which nearly 
divides 2 driveways to private homes, about 40 yards / meters west of 
Independence. For good looks at either warbler, much patience may be needed, 
although some seekers have had luck in shorter visits too. Please continue to 
NOT walk, or drive, into the grounds or the driveways of the nursing home which 
is to the south, and be cautious of traffic in all of this neighborhood, which 
will include some NYC buses routed along Independence. Parking is likely to be 
possible along Independence north of W. 232 St., and may also be on 232 St., 
east of Independence where it is a wider 2-way.

Many observers continue to come in to see these 2 warblers from around the 
region. Thank you to all for being considerate of the local residents in the 

Good birding,

Tom Fiore


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