Riverdale, western Bronx County, N.Y. City - Wed., Jan. 3rd -

A MacGillivrays and a Townsends Warbler, each continuing near / along West 231 
Street, west of Independence Ave., with the former skulking and occasionally 
showing, more so on south side of West 231 St., and the Townsends on the north 
side when seen to best advanatage, as per prior days.

We thank L. Johnson and C. Khoo, and on that same-morning A. Block, for having 
brought the Townsends Warbler to the attention of many, and still-earlier, to 
Julian Batista, a New York Young Birder, for the Dec. 23rd spotting of a 
most-exciting MacGillivrays, this latter a bird which has now delighted 
hundreds of regional birders, many with some of the best views for a skulker 
that have been had, out-of-range, as well as being for many folks a -state- 
first, or eastern-part-of-continent-first, and also for some, a lifer species. 
Still, patience is advised on seeking views of these two birds at this 
location, and we also again thank all for best behavior in this fairly quiet, 
low-key residential neighborhood of The Bronx. Watch out for traffic in the 
area, at any hours.
At Van Cortlandt Park in the western part of The Bronx, a drake Redhead has 
continued to Wed., Jan. 3rd as well on the lake, which is in the southwestern 
sector of Van Cortlandt and is readily accessed on foot from a number of 
directions - not at all far from the north-terminus of the No. 1 subway line on 
Broadway, in the Bronx, a.k.a. at 242 St. / that park. We have a fresh report 
for a Cackling Goose as well, which may be confirmed and if so, is likely both 
with the Canada Goose flocks on the Parade Ground just east of upper Broadway, 
Van Cortlandt Park, or at times in the aforementioned lake with the goose 
flocks. Other goose species should in any event also be watched-for, as 
significant waterbird movement is not just possible but fairly likely in the 
coming week or less.

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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