Beginning on 1 Jan 1954, with five participants, a Christmas Bird Count was 
establishes, with the center point located in Manorville, Long Island.  
Extending from Smiths Point County Park and Cupsogue County Park to Calverton, 
and from Gabreski (Suffolk County) Airport to Yapank, this Count includes 
ocean, bay, marshland, pond, farm field, wooded area, and massive residential 

Held on 27 December 2023, the morning started with heavy fog, mild 
temperatures, light breezes and some light showers, which continued throughout 
the day.  This year, 36 participants on 11 field teams, and 4 feeder-watchers, 
totaled 120 species and  16,377 birds seen.  Highlights included:  Green-winged 
Teal, Canvasback, Northern Shoveler, Bald Eagle, Willet, Red Knot, Iceland 
Gull, Black-headed Gull (from a Feeder-watch), Red-headed Woodpecker, Palm 
Warbler and Boat-tailed Grackle. Count Week birds - which might have been seen 
on Count Day had there not been dense fog throughout the day - included 
Harlequin Duck, Great Cormorant, and Razorbill.  Full details and statistics 
will be available on the National Audubon Christmas Bird Count website.

Our Compilation Dinner was held in Eastport, and was well attended with nearly 
all teams sending representatives.  Many thanks go out to Eastern Long Island 
Audubon Society for providing the catered dinner.  The Society has been the 
sponsor of this Count since 1967.

A very special Thank You to all the participants, especially those who provided 
last minute coverage in areas left in the void, due to last minute issues!  

Nice birds and great people made for a successful - and satisfying day.

Save 27 December 2024 for the next Central Suffolk Christmas Bird Count!

Eileen Schwinn
Eastern LI Audubon Society
Compiler, Central Suffolk CBC

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