New York County -in N.Y. City- including Governors Island, Randalls Island, 
Roosevelt Island, and last-but-not-least Manhattan island - and the adjacent 
waters and skies above -
Wednesday, May 1st -

A Grasshopper Sparrow was seen on 5-1, at the rather-small but productive Canal 
Park in lower Manhattan with photos by A. Evans in the Macaulay Library 
archive; this must be a 1st for that small park, and a very good find 
anywhere-anytime in all of N.Y. County. A few others had also observed this on 
May 1st. Perhaps the 10th species of native sparrow to be seen in this small 
park over the years, many of the discoveries over the years coming thanks to 
loyal-to-the-patch A. Evans, and also from some other observers.

A number of shorebirds have recently been moving and among those, uncommon in 
the county eve if annual there, have been Semipalmated Plover, 2 of which 
photo'd at the Sherman Creek park mudflats area, just n. of Swindler Cove Park 
in upper Manhattan along the Harlem river estuary; the two small plovers were 
seen in the morning, also seen flying out as tide came in. Photos, and the find 
of these were by area-birder M. Waldron.

Also found on May 1st, a good number of Purple Sandpipers again at the 
best-known site over recent years, on Governors Island, at its rocky shores - 
numbers up to 17 of the Purples as seen by R. Fleming and E. Leonardi. Also 
seen and photod at Governors on May 1st were Least and Spotted Sandpipers, 
more-typical and expected Killdeer, and a single photographed Bonapartes Gull, 
this latter bird seen in-flight. Common Terns were showing nice increases into 
the multi-dozens by May 1. Many other species, migrants and summer-breeders, 
and some resident, have been noted from Governors Island lately, including thru 
May 1st. N.B., zero of the reports out of this island or elsewhere by persons 
using only an acroynm -not anonymous, but acronym, for a name, will be noted at 
all in these reports to this list.]

On Tues., April 30, a single Semipalmated Sandpiper was found at the 
lagoon-mudflat area of Inwood Hill Park, also in northern Manhattan, indeed at 
the islands near-north tip, by D. Karlson, a regular birder of that park and 
these also reported later same day by other regulars there; this location like 
the Sherman Creek mudflat are probably Manhattan islands most reliable 
shorebird sites, in relative terms - N.Y. County has no Jamaica-Bay preserve 
-as found in Queens Co., NYC- and many shorebirds that are commonly seen 
elsewhere in the same city are decidedly uncommon to rare in this county. Very 
occasionally, unusual weather may put down shorebirds in some locations where 
not typically seen within the county, and it then is mostly-intrepid seekers 
and observers who first reap the shorebird-rewards...

Many species of migrants continued all around the county, on all of the 4 
islands noted at top, with many observers continuing to find personal 
year-firsts and all manner of excellent sightings, in as many as -101- 
locations, actually far more than that, from the best-known parks, to smaller 
parks, gardens, and every other sort of green-space and patch of habitat, as 
well as flyover sightings, and for a few night-owls, the N.F.C. nocturnal 
flight calls, as well as the daytime experiences of migration.

Incidentally, our Kirtlands-specialist was out birding for May 1st 2024, in the 
county, and of course we can all hope, however that warbler remains as a 
once-ever for the county and for good old Central Park - that was a most 
special and wholly unexpected find.

Good birding to all, with thanks to many, many keen and quiet observers all 
around the county and beyond.

Tom Fiore


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