Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -
Sunday, May 26th -

Again on Sunday, Central Park had at least 18 species of migratory American 
warblers, as found by a great many observers, zero of them reporting any 
sightings as -early- as a euphemism. Some species were much diminished in 
numbers from some peak days earlier in this month, yet a few species of the 
warblers continued to show in double-digits for the park on Sunday. At least 
several Yellow-bellied Flycatchers were among the Empidonax-genus of 
flycatchers seen and carefully identified by multiple observers. This included 
that last species of Empidonax within the Ramble area of the park Sunday, and 
also seen by multiple observers in the Ramble area was Gray-cheeked Thrush, 
again carefully identified eliminating the possible Bicknells from the choices 
amongst migrating Catharus-genus thrushes, on Sunday.

Thanks to quiet, courteous observers and photographers for many reliable 
identifications, made with care, including birds pointed out by leaders of 
not-for-profit guided bird walks done near-daily in this park for the migration 
seasons, offered by such organizations as the NYC Bird Alliance, the Linnaean 
Society of New York, the American Museum of Natural History, and multiple other 
non-profit organizations working for the advancement of conservation and 
science in the best interests of the birds, and for education in and of our 
natural world.

Good birding,

Tom Fiore


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