
The test 
currently fails at line 73, where it tries to run a query of the form:

(1) //testroot/*[@jcr:primaryType='nt:unstructured']

I believe there is a typo in the test, and the query should be:

(2) /jcr:root/testroot/*[@jcr:primaryType='nt:unstructured']

Queries of type (1) are currently not supported, because they would contain two 
wildcards: path like '%/testroot/%'. I wonder if such queries are important, 
that is, whether we need to support them in the XPath to SQL-2 converter. It's 
possible to support them, but I would like to not support them now, unless 
*really* necessary.

What do you think?

In any case I will log a issue to change the TCK test.


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