Hi, Thanks a lot! I'm currently working on trying to support such queries in the XPathToSQL2Converter. I'm not sure yet how much work this will be, let's see.
Is the query really using '**' and '%%'? If yes are there any nodes that contain '**', or is this just test data (just wondering)? Regards, Thomas On 8/20/12 4:05 PM, "Chetan Mehrotra" <chetan.mehro...@gmail.com> wrote: >//element(*,rep:Authorizable)[(((jcr:contains(profile/@givenName,'**') or >jcr:contains(profile/@familyName,'**')) or >jcr:contains(profile/@email,'**')) or (jcr:like(rep:principalName,'%%') or >jcr:like(fn:name(.),'%%')))] order by @rep:principalName ascending