Hi OAK hackers again,

As indicated earlier we (Hippo developers) would love to come to the OAK Hackathon next week.
Looking at the wiki page [1] not many others have signed up for it though.

With only 6 participants, of which 3 from us, we are doubtful of the added value of going at all. And as we have to make arrangements before going to Berlin, we have to decide until tomorrow morning ...

If others are intending to come but simply haven't signed up (yet), can you please notify here and/or sign up on the wiki today?



[1] http://wiki.apache.org/jackrabbit/Oak%20Hackathon%20September%202012

On 08/22/2012 05:28 PM, Ate Douma wrote:


On 08/22/2012 05:17 PM, Michael Dürig wrote:


This is great news! We are definitely looking forward to meeting all of you
there. Keep an eye on the Oakathon Wiki page as we will announce further details

I added all of you to the participants section and made Unico and Bart Wiki


[1] [1] http://wiki.apache.org/jackrabbit/Oak%20Hackathon%20September%202012

On 22.8.12 16:33, Ate Douma wrote:
Hi OAK hackers,

As Hippo developers we are very interested to participate on the
proposed OAK Hackathon on September 25th in Berlin [1].

Although we haven't made definite plans yet, we might be able to join
you with three persons: Bart van der Schans, Unico Hommes and myself.

As Bart and Unico don't have (yet) wiki write access, maybe someone else
can add our names to [1] as intended participants?

And while you are at it, it might be handy to add Bart and Unico, as JR
PMC members, to the wiki admin group or else contributers page too ;)

Wiki accounts:


Thanks, Ate

[1] http://wiki.apache.org/jackrabbit/Oak%20Hackathon%20September%202012

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