hi jukka

if we decide that having long mv properties is a valid use-case
we should have support for that in the repository.

back in jackrabbit-core i remember just one case where this
limit actually was a problem: the group members stored in a
mv property... and michael at that time added to workaround
to store group-members in a tree structure, which as a
couple of drawbacks in particular with oak among others that
there is no way to define a dedicated index for that structure.
so, i was  thinking of slightly adjusting it for oak... but
obviously having  support for huge mv-properties (even if the
group members would be split to several properties) would definitely
be helpful here... but i admit that this doesn't make it a
valid, high prio use-case... it would just be cool.

kind regards

On 11/15/12 12:00 PM, Jukka Zitting wrote:

This came up earlier in the Berlin Oakathon and we're now facing it
also with the property index. Basically, do we want to add explicit
support for long (>>  1k values) multivalued properties?

Currently such properties are possible in theory since there is no
hard limit to the size of the value array, but in practice accessing
such properties requires reading the whole array to memory and even a
simple update (like appending a single value) requires the whole array
to be rewritten.

There are two ways of supporting use cases that require such long
multivalued properties: a) we can support it directly in the
repository, or b) we require the client to use more complex data
structures like in the BTreeManager in Jackrabbit trunk or the BTree
implementation in the wrapper-based index implementation Thomas wrote
for Oak.

Supporting such use cases directly in the repository would be nice as
that would notably simplify affected clients. However, doing so would
require us to adapt some of our APIs. For example we'd need a way to
iterate over the list of values of a single property and to add, set
and remove individual values at specific locations. The
PropertyBuilder interface already has some of this, but neither the
Oak API nor the MicroKernel currently support such operations.

WDYT, should we implement something along these lines or leave it up
to clients? I'm cautiously positive in that we should do this since
we'd in any case need similar code for the property index, but would
love to hear other opinions.


Jukka Zitting

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