
Before jumping to conclusion here I'd like to get a clearer picture how we address workspace support. In OAK-118 we decided to stick with a single workspace "for now". I think it is high time we revisit that since it block other things as well (e.g. OAK-453).

I suggest we schedule a session for that at next week's Oakathon in Basel. WDYT?


On 6.2.13 9:57, Angela Schreiber wrote:

in order to address OAK-444 without excessive uuid resolution
upon access control evaluation i create a separate commit hook
that keeps track of the path of versionable nodes .

since the version information is defined to be 'global' for a
given respository while the versionable path might differ between
multiple workspace, i need to build the hook in a multi-workspace
compatible way even though we currently have just one workspace
(with configurable name).

so far i didn't find a pleasant way to retrieve the workspace
name associated with the current commit. is this something
that could be added to the CommitHook interface?


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