
On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 1:54 PM, Jukka Zitting <jukka.zitt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Quick benchmarking of the Oak-Default run shows
> NamePathMapperImpl.getOakPath() calling JcrPathParser.validate()
> taking about 20% of the time in this test.

Updated numbers after the latest OAK-108 change:

    # ReadPropertyTest       min     10%     50%     90%     max       N
    before                    56      58      61     120     132     802
    after                     53      54      55      56      72    1089

Profiling the getProperty calls shows the following distribution of time spent:

      61% NodeDelegate.getProperty() via perform()
      31% ItemImpl.isStale() via checkStatus()
       8% other stuff

The status check would be an obvious area of improvement, especially
since we're dealing with a read-only session that's never refreshed.

Drilling down to the NodeDelegate.getProperty() method, we have the
following distribution of time:

      95% NodeDelegate.getChildLocation()
       5% TreeImpl.internalGetProperty() via NodeLocation.getProperty()

See why I haven't been too excited about the Location concept...


Jukka Zitting

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