On 23.7.13 10:57, Chetan Mehrotra wrote:
Its possible that for a series of changes like [b1,h1] ->[ b1,h2] ->
[h1,h3] the observation logic miss out seeing in between state
transition. But it would effectively see all the changes. Only changes
which get negated between missed transition would not be observed. But
I do not see a way that such losses can be avoided without going for a
linear journal or serializing the complete commit sequences.

See my recent mail for how I think we can achieve serialisation by rebasing in NodeStoreBranch.merge(). This has said impact on session concurrency. As a further optimisation we can later try to do something similar like the SegmentMK, which tries optimistic locking first and falls back to optimistic locking if this fails. But let's go one step at a time.


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