
Currently the various IndexEditor (Lucene,Property and Solr) are
invoked as part of CommitHook.processCommit call whenever a JCR
Session is saved.

In case the commit fails would it leave the Index state in inconsistent state?

For PropertyIndex I think it would be fine as the index content is
also part of same commit and hence would not be committed. But for
other indexes the index data would have been saved (sort of 2 phase
commit) and it would not be possible to roll them back leaving them
with data which has not been committed.

And more over such commit failure would occur *after * a proper commit
has been done so the changes done to index state as part of failed
commit would overwrite the changes done as part of successful commit.

Should not the IndexEditor work as part of PostCommitHook so that they
always work on proper committed content?

Chetan Mehrotra

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