
>I really would like to have a constructive discussion here.

Sure. If we want a fully scalable solution, Sling needs to be changed.

> 1. we leave everything as is
> 2. we maintain the API as-is in Sling and try to make the implementation
>as fast as possible

This will limit scalability so I think it's not an option. Making things
as fast as possible will only help a little bit, but doesn't solve the
problem. Therefore, I wouldn't invest too much time trying to do that.

> 4. same as 3. but keep the old Sling API with a bold marker when it's
>used that this does not scale

Sure, this is what is needed.

We also need to change the Jackrabbit API to support listening for local
events. As I already wrote, the current mechanism using the "isExternal()"
flag doesn't scale. I think we should add a marker interface
"LocalObservationListener" or similar.


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