
Earlier we had some discussion around different ways to configure Oak.
Oak currently supports running and configuring itself in OSGi env. it
can easily be used in non OSGi env also by programatically configuring
and assembling the required components

However this poses problem around best way to

1. Configure components - Currently various sub modules are using
different ways to configure. Some is being done via system properties,
Security module has its own way of configuring, DataStore support has
its own

2. Expose extension points - Exposing extension points in non OSGi env
becomes tricky. We faced some issues around LoginModule extensiblity

PojoSR [1] provides support for using OSGi constructs outside of OSGi framework

I have implemented a POC [2] which makes use of PojoSR to configure
Oak in pojo env. So far basic stuff seems to work as expected.

Would be worthwhile to investigate further here and possibly provide a
PojoSR based RespositoryFactory?

Chetan Mehrotra
[1] https://code.google.com/p/pojosr/
[2] https://github.com/chetanmeh/oak-pojosr

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