Hi all,

for my Solr (indexing) resiliency use case [1] I've implemented an
extension of Solr client which is able to cache requests if Solr goes down
and execute them back once the Solr instance comes back.

Now if the repository goes down during the Solr downtime we loose the
cached requests as they live in memory so we could write such queued
requests down as nodes in the repository for persisting them and eventually
fetch them once Solr comes live again, but then they may get indexed and
that would lead to a loop.
So I wonder if there's any way we can tell the repository we don't want
some nodes (based on e.g. primaryType and/or path and/or property
existing/missing) to be indexed, whatever an IndexEditor is supposed to do.

Any hint would be helpful.

[1] : https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OAK-1499

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