Hi Davide,

Recently Ian pointed to Metrics [1] project which is related to such
timing measurements. It might be helpful to use this (via a wrapper)
to measure timings in critical areas in Oak. So have a look at that

Chetan Mehrotra
[1] http://metrics.codahale.com/

On Sat, Aug 2, 2014 at 2:57 PM, Davide Giannella <dav...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 23/06/2014 14:26, Davide Giannella wrote:
>> On 23/06/2014 13:57, Michael Dürig wrote:
>>> +1 in general. However,
>>> - although it results in nice code on the client side, I'm a bit
>>> reluctant about putting all the code into the instance initialiser.
>> it was my concern as well. But don't see that much of a difference from
>> something
>> timer = new Timer("foobar");
>> timer.start();
>> // blabla
>> timer.trackTime();
>>> - how about reusing org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.stats.Clock instead of
>>> using Guava's Stopwatch? If necessary we could still implement Clock
>>> based on Stopwatch.
>> Didn't know about it. Will have a look and amend accordingly.
>>> - Timer might not be the best name for the class. Should probably
>>> better be something with "Log" in its name
>> It was an example. It could be LogTimer if you prefer or whatever. Don't
>> mind the name and I'm very bad at it :)
> Had time on train to work a bit on it.
> here's a the final class
> http://goo.gl/xUcPdY
> The idea behind it is to have something for tracking time like
> // ...
> StopwatchLogger sl = new StopwatchLogger(FooBar.class);
> // ...
> public void foo() {
>   sl.start();
>   // perform all sort of things
>   sl.split("performed some operations");
>   // perform other things
>   sl.stop("operation completed");
> }
> then by setting in logs the debug for o.a.j.oak.stats.StopwatchLogger
> should do the trick to have some "gross" numbers around performances.
> If ok, I'll create an issue an commit to trunk.
> thoguhts?
> Cheers
> Davide

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