Hello team,

as part of the effort for OAK-1855 I was looking at our release process.
While the official apache docs[0] of course don't state any project
specific task we use the check-release[1] for checking it.

(0) https://jackrabbit.apache.org/creating-releases.html
(1) https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/jackrabbit/check-release.sh

I noticed that the script itself runs only the pedantic profile.


Is it right? don't we want to run the integration testing as well?

Is this script used by jackrabbit as well or is used only by oak?

I'm asking because in OAK-1855 I've disabled the unit testing for the
pedantic and integration testing and added a unittesting profile. Then I
added fixtures aware integration testing and by default
"integrationTesting" runs only against Segment (to speed up feedbacks
for local runs).


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