
No one has responded to the issues I'm having with the MicroKernel.

Is the correct location to ask these questions? I tried finding a solution
to this issue in your documentation and found none.



On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 1:51 PM, Adrien Lamoureux <
lamoureux.adr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I've been testing Oak 1.0.5, and changed Main.java under oak-run to enable
> a MicroKernel to run at startup with the standalone service at the bottom
> of the addServlets() method:
>         private void addServlets(Oak oak, String path) {
>             Jcr jcr = new Jcr(oak);
>             // 1 - OakServer
>             ContentRepository repository = oak.createContentRepository();
> .............
> org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.core.ContentRepositoryImpl repoImpl =
> (org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.core.ContentRepositoryImpl)repository;
> org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.kernel.NodeStoreKernel nodeStoreK = new
> org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.kernel.NodeStoreKernel(repoImpl.getNodeStore());
> org.apache.jackrabbit.mk.server.Server mkserver = new
> org.apache.jackrabbit.mk.server.Server(nodeStoreK);
> mkserver.setPort(28080);
> mkserver.setBindAddress(java.net.InetAddress.getByName("localhost"));
> mkserver.start();
> }
> I then used an org.apache.jackrabbit.mk.client.Client to connect to it,
> and everything seemed to work fine, including writing / reading blobs,
> however, the blobs are not being retained, and it appears to be impossible
> to set a ":blobId:" prefix for a property value without it forcing an
> additional 'str:' prefix.
> Here are a couple of examples using curl to create a node with a single
> property to hold the blobId. The first uses the proper ":blobId:" prefix,
> the other doesn't:
> curl -X POST --data 'path=/&message=' --data-urlencode
> 'json_diff=+"testFile1.jpg" :
> {"testFileRef":":blobId:93e6002eb8f3c4128b2ce18351e16b0d72b870f6e1ee507b5221579f0dd31a33"}'
> http://localhost:28080/commit.html
> curl -X POST --data
> 'path=/testFile1.jpg&depth=2&offset=0&count=-1&filter={"nodes":["*"],"properties":["*"]}'
> http://localhost:28080/getNodes.html
> {
>   "testFileRef": "*str::blobId:*
> 93e6002eb8f3c4128b2ce18351e16b0d72b870f6e1ee507b5221579f0dd31a33",
>   ":childNodeCount": 0
> }
> I then tried without the blobId prefix, and it did not add a prefix:
> curl -X POST --data 'path=/&message=' --data-urlencode
> 'json_diff=+"testFile2.jpg" :
> {"testFileRef":"93e6002eb8f3c4128b2ce18351e16b0d72b870f6e1ee507b5221579f0dd31a33"}'
> http://localhost:28080/commit.html
> curl -X POST --data
> 'path=/testFile2.jpg&depth=2&offset=0&count=-1&filter={"nodes":["*"],"properties":["*"]}'
> http://localhost:28080/getNodes.html
> {
>   "testFileRef":
> "93e6002eb8f3c4128b2ce18351e16b0d72b870f6e1ee507b5221579f0dd31a33",
>   ":childNodeCount": 0
> }
> The blob itself was later removed/deleted, presumably by some sort of
> cleanup mechanism. I'm assuming that it couldn't find the reference to the
> blob.
> For sanity check, I tried saving a different one line text file at the
> Java Content Repository level of abstraction, and this is the result:
> curl -X POST --data
> 'path=/testFile&depth=2&offset=0&count=-2&filter={"nodes":["*"],"properties":["*"]}'
> http://localhost:28080/getNodes.html
> {
>   "jcr:created": "dat:2014-09-16T13:41:38.084-07:00",
>   "jcr:createdBy": "admin",
>   "jcr:primaryType": "nam:nt:file",
>   ":childNodeCount": 1,
>   "jcr:content": {
>     ":childOrder": "[0]:Name",
>     "jcr:encoding": "UTF-8",
>     "jcr:lastModified": "dat:2014-09-16T13:41:38.094-07:00",
>     "jcr:mimeType": "text/plain",
>     "jcr:data":
> ":blobId:428ed7545cd993bf6add8cd74cd6ad70f517341bbc1b31615f9286c652cd214a",
>     "jcr:primaryType": "nam:nt:unstructured",
>     ":childNodeCount": 0
>   }
> }
> The ":blobId:" prefix appears intact in this case..
> Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I would like to start using the
> MicroKernel for remote access, and file retention is critical.
> Thanks,
> Adrien

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