Hi Alex,

After discussing it with Marcel offline I was thinking to add
attribute support to IndexPlan. Attached the patch implementing
following approach to OAK-2173

1. Expose a method Object getAttribute(String name)
2. Allow passing in a map to builder

This would allow arbitrary payload attached to IndexPlan instance.

If I go extension route then I would need to decorate an existing
IndexPlan instance so quite a bit of redundant code. So would prefer
an attribute based approach.

Chetan Mehrotra

On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 2:21 PM, Alex Parvulescu
<alex.parvule...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I would go with #1, add a custom IndexPlan impl.
> Half of the properties that we currently set in the index plan builder are
> not going to change anyway (like #setIncludesNodeData, #setFulltextIndex)
> so it makes sense to hide that away for conciseness.
> alex
> On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 1:17 PM, Chetan Mehrotra <chetan.mehro...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Just to add in that thread Marcel suggested to use the NodeState
>> related to index definition [3]. This would work fine for property
>> index which directly use that defintion. However currently we manage
>> Lucene index (IndexSearcher) by path. Hence the need to access to
>> index path details to obtain the right Lucene index
>> Chetan Mehrotra
>> [3] http://markmail.org/message/jjrkz7x7vwzunypa
>> On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 4:40 PM, Chetan Mehrotra
>> <chetan.mehro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > While working on Lucene property index support I need to modify the
>> > logic to support multiple Lucene Index definitions. The approach used
>> > in patch attached to OAK-2005 creates multiple LuceneIndex instances
>> > which are bound to various Lucene index definitions [1].
>> >
>> > However as discussed in last Oakathon we also need to be prepared to
>> > support index at non root node (OAK-1980). And for that it was
>> > suggested to return multiple IndexPlans from within Index impl which
>> > take into account index definition determined via path restriction.
>> >
>> > To do that later when actual query is to be performed I need to
>> > corelated the IndexPlan with actual LuceneIndex. Current IndexTracker
>> > tracks Lucene indexes via path. So I need to determine what index path
>> > in repo given IndexPlan refers to. Similar thing was discussed
>> > sometime back in [2].
>> >
>> > So any thoughts on what approach to take
>> >
>> > 1. Use a custom IndexPlan impl and add required meta info like index
>> > path in that
>> > 2. Have some way of passing a payload in the IndexPlan itself which an
>> > index impl can use to manage such info
>> >
>> > Chetan Mehrotra
>> > [1]
>> https://github.com/chetanmeh/jackrabbit-oak/compare/chetanmeh:trunk...OAK-2005?diff=split#diff-12
>> > [2] http://markmail.org/thread/jjrkz7x7vwzunypa

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