
As for creating an index, I think it would make sense to know the number
of nodes indexed so far. That way it can be used to predict (roughly) when
it will be finished (based on the number of nodes that were indexed last


On 14/10/14 09:13, "Amit Jain" <am...@apache.org> wrote:

>I would like to add execution stats for the AsynIndexUpdate which reports
>the total execution time taken and the number of runs. This would be
>helpful for getting the exact information about the performance when
>indexing large content and for testing.
>There are 2 options:
>* using apache commons SummaryStatistics - Simple.
>* an alternative could be to use Jackrabbit 2.x's TimeSeriesRecorder.
>a bit heavy for this case but if short and long term trends are important
>then this would be preferable
>Which one would be appropriate?

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