we'd like to study in deep queries and index. In particular is not so clear, 
from documentation, what is indexed by default.
For instance if i create a new type of document (IdentityCard with name IDC) 
with 2 new properties (idCard and idGeneralAnagrafic) are these data (ie 
metadata) indexed ?

And in that case the search is delegated to db (mongo or postgres that store 
metadata) or is delegated to solr or lucene ?

Finally, if we store a few million documents, what kind of strategy would you 
suggest for the search?

Thanks in advance,
best regards

Francesco Ancona | Software Dev. Dept. (SP) - Software Architect
tel. +39 049 8979797 | fax +39 049 8978800 | cel. +39 3299060325
e-mail: francesco.anc...@siav.it | www.siav.it

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