Hi Domenic,

You are essentially testing how fast Oak or JR can put nodes into 
MySQL/Postgres/Mongo. IMO Oak’s design does not suggest that there should be 
fundamental differences between JR and Oak for this isolated case. (*)

However, where Oak is expected to outperform JR is when
1) the test case reflects realistic usage patterns and
2) horizontal scalability becomes a topic.

To explain:
Re 1: in reality you would usually have many reading threads for each writing 
thread. Oak’s MVCC design caters for performance for such test cases.
Re 2: If you have many cluster nodes the MVCC becomes even more pronounced (not 
only different threads but different processes). Also, if you have observation 
listeners and many cluster nodes then I expect to see substantial differences 
between Oak and JR.


(*) with the notable exception of TarMK which I expect to outperform anything 
on any test case ;)

On 06/04/16 16:20, "Domenic DiTano" <domenic.dit...@ansys.com> wrote:

>Hi Marcel,
>I uploaded all the source to github along with a summary spreadsheet.  I
>would appreciate any time you have to review.
>As you stated the move is a non goal, but in comparison to Jackrabbit 2 I
>am also finding in my tests that create, update, and copy are all faster
>in Jackrabbit 2 (10k nodes).  Any input would be appreciated...
>Also, will MySql will not be listed as "Experimental" at some point?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Marcel Reutegger [mailto:mreut...@adobe.com]
>Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 6:14 AM
>To: oak-dev@jackrabbit.apache.org
>Subject: Re: Jackrabbit 2.10 vs Oak 1.2.7
>Hi Domenic,
>On 30/03/16 14:34, "Domenic DiTano" wrote:
>>"In contrast to Jackrabbit 2, a move of a large subtree is an expensive
>>operation in Oak"
>>So should I avoid doing a move of a large number of items using Oak?
>>If we are using Oak then should we avoid operations with a large number
>>of items in general?
>In general it is fine to have a large change set with Oak. With Oak you
>can even have change sets that do not fit into the heap.
>>  As a FYI - there are other benefits for us to move to Oak, but our
>>application uses executes JCR operations with a large number of items
>>quite often.  I am worried about the performance.
>>The move method is pretty simple - should I be doing it differently?
>>public static long moveNodes(Session session, Node node, String
>>throws Exception{
>>      long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
>>      session.move(node.getPath(), "/"+newNodeName);
>>             session.save();
>>      long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
>>      return end-start;
>No, this is fine. As mentioned earlier, with Oak a move operation is not
>cheap and is basically implemented as copy to new location and delete at
>the old location.
>A cheap move operation was considered a non-goal when Oak was designed:
> Marcel

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