
I'm sorry this feature is not available. You would need to set a property
"childCount" explicitly.

Could you explain the use case please?


On 20/07/16 15:48, "Milan Milanov" <mila...@null.net> wrote:

>Hello there,
>I¹m trying to order some nodes by how many child nodes they have and i¹ve
>stumped upon a headache.
>My query looks like this:
>"SELECT * FROM 'nt:hierarchyNode' AS node
>WHERE ISCHILDNODE(node, Œ/some/given/path¹)
>ORDER BY 'jcr:primaryType' DESC, LENGTH(node) ASC²
>This is taking all child nodes of a given node and ordering the
>nt:folders first (before the nt:files). However, the
>LENGTH(node) does not seem to be doing what I want it to do (count the
>number of children). Is there anything
>oak-specific that could solve my problem, like Modeshape¹s CHILDCOUNT()
>or like having a custom function
>Kind regards,
>Milan Milanov

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