
I was wondering whether it’d make sense to normalise the RDB Document Store 
schema - get rid of the JSON/JSOP concatenated strings and store each key/value 
in a separate database row. Something like this:

id          STRING
key         STRING
revision    STRING (nullable)
value       (LONG) STRING
modcount    INTEGER

The id+key+revision would make an unique primary key.

So, an example node from the DocumentMK documentation [1]:

    "_id" : "1:/node",
    "_deleted" : {
        "r13f3875b5d1-0-1" : "false"
    "_lastRev" : {
        "r0-0-1" : "r13f3875b5d1-0-1"
    "_modified" : NumberLong(274208361),
    "_modCount" : NumberLong(1),
    "_children" : Boolean(true),
    "_revisions" : {
        "r13f3875b5d1-0-1" : "c"

Would transform to following database rows:

(id, key, revision, value, modcount)
(“1:/node”, “_deleted”, "r13f3875b5d1-0-1”, “false”, 1)
(“1:/node”, “_lastRev”, "r0-0-1”, “r13f3875b5d1-0-1”, 1)
(“1:/node”, “_modified”, null, “274208361”, 1)
(“1:/node”, “_children”, null, “true”, 1)
(“1:/node”, “_revisions”, "r13f3875b5d1-0-1", “c”, 1)

Creating a new document would require batching a few INSERTs. Updating a 
document will combine INSERTs (for the new properties) and UPDATEs (for the 
modified ones). Each update would end with a modcount increment for all rows 
related to the given document. Fetching a document will require reading all 
rows for given id. I think all of these reads and writes can be done in 
batches, so we’ll end up with a single database call anyway.

Advantages I can see here are:

* no need to parse/serialize JSONs and JSONPs (less load on the Oak instance),
* no need to periodically compact the JSONPs,
* more granular updates are possible, we can properly implement all the 
UpdateOp cases,
* we can better use the database features, as now the DBE is aware about the 
document internal structure (it’s not a blob anymore). Eg. we can fetch only a 
few properties.

For me such design looks more natural and RDB-native. The schema is just a 
draft and probably I’m missing something, but I wanted to ask about a general 
feedback on this approach. WDYT?


Tomek Rękawek | Adobe Research | www.adobe.com

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