
the interesting thing here is that we actually compile the code with -source 
and -target=1.6 in these branches [1][2]. However, the javac still uses the 
rt.jar coming from the current JDK and it does contain the java.nio package. It 
seems that the only way to check the API usage correctness is to switch to JDK 

Or maybe there’s some way to validate whether the used packages matches 
selected JDK version (eg. via some plugin reading the @since javadocs in API 


[1] https://github.com/apache/jackrabbit-oak/blob/1.4/oak-parent/pom.xml#L97
[2] https://github.com/apache/jackrabbit-oak/blob/1.2/oak-parent/pom.xml#L95

Tomek Rękawek | Adobe Research | www.adobe.com

> On 12 Sep 2016, at 11:42, Davide Giannella <dav...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hello team,
> following the recent mishap about JDK version and releases highlighted
> two main issues:
> cannot find jenkins for anything that is not 1.6
> we should enforce the build to build with the minimum required JDK.
> Now for the second point, this is easily achievable. What we have to
> decide is whether we want this enforcement done on all the builds, or
> only during releases build and checks.
> I'm for having it enforced on all the builds.
> Thoughts?
> Davide

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